Monday, November 11, 2019

Tuscaloosa Package Crisis

Recently, or maybe this has been going on longer, there has been an epidemic of package stealing in the city of Tuscaloosa. People on my street have been finding their packages torn up in their yards or their mail/packages stolen from straight from their front steps and/or out of their mailbox. The disappointed residents of Parkview Dr. seem to blame Central High School students or other residents nearby. Residents have video footage from a few different houses, but we are now aware some property owners apparently do not even have them on. In one instance, there was a video found of people with ski masks on stealing mail at 6am straight from a mailbox. They have found an opportunity and have completely taken advantage of the fact that they assume we are naive college students who order very interesting things. The police will not do anything about it and sadly, it has affected a large portion of the city. So to take matters into our own hands we have used our resources and have informed both delivery services, FedEx and UPS and they are aware and have intentionally done their best to hide and protect our precious packages. But unfortunately, we will never find my roommate's homemade cookies her grandma sent her.

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